8 Things Ridiculously Successful Salespeople Do Each Day

Written by TMSA Staff | Feb 23, 2017 5:00:00 AM

By Brian Everett, CEO of the Transportation Marketing & Sales Association

In all my years of working with successful professionals in sales and business development, I’ve noticed they usually share common personality characteristics and work habits. From what I’ve seen in the transportation and logistics industry, these are eight things that successful salespeople have in common:

  1. They actively listen. Far too many in sales love to hear themselves talk. But the successful sales pro listens intently to understand the needs of the prospect or customer. They are looking to fully understand pain points and ways they can ultimately provide value in a relationship.

  2. They give their full attention. The best salespeople are not easily distracted and make sure to give their undivided attention. They don’t rush to get off the phone or out of a meeting with a prospect, and they’re not quick to move onto the next deal until they’ve made the person in front of them feel like they’ve been heard.

  3. They seek opportunities everywhere. Opportunities are found outside of normal lead sources, and those successful in sales look for them wherever they exist. They understand they when they rely only on common prospecting methods they will only achieve standard results.

  4. They methodically plan their day. Successful salespeople typically don’t come into the office and just ‘wing it.” While most in sales set monthly or quarterly goals, the best break those down into smaller daily and sometimes even hourly goals. This simplifies the goals and makes the bigger ones more attainable. Of course, the situation of the day can change and you need to adapt accordingly, but the successful salesperson works on a day planned with intention.

  5. They focus only on what matters. One of the hardest things anyone in business will decide is what to spend their time and attention on. The best salespeople only spend time focusing on things that get them closer to their established goals; they don’t waste time with unqualified prospects or don’t procrastinate.

  6. They learn from their mistakes. You know the old saying: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” Successful salespeople recognize this and seldom make the same mistake twice. If the sales pitch or proposal approach doesn’t work, they adjust it. If they find the leads aren’t garnering results, they adjust the lead source.

  7. They focus on how they to help their customers. They keep focused on this question at all times: How can I help my prospect or customer? Once that question drives all of your behavior as a salesperson, you will have taken the biggest step to mastering sales.

  8. They move forward and stay positive. If you’re easily dejected and have a hard time seeing the positive in every situation, you will have a hard time being ridiculously successful. Those successful in sales focus on opportunities, not obstacles, and always think their best days are still to come.

Follow these eight steps and you, too, will increase your chances in becoming ridiculously successful in sales!

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