Matching for Employment: Analyzing Preferences for Retention & Growth

Written By: TMSA Staff | Jan 31, 2017 12:00:00 AM

By: Beth Potratz, President and CEO, Drive My Way, Inc. Beth-Potratz-web

The ever evolving world of technology continues to shape the employment relationship. Job seekers are searching for that perfect job where their career meets their lifestyle. Technology has allowed us to dissect and identify nearly every aspect of the world around us, providing unique insight into our individual preferences, skill sets, and identifiable attributes. There is no stronger case to apply this information than to the recruitment and selection process. 

Gone are the days where employment meant a separation of personal life and professional life, and where the word “job” implied routine tasks and checklists and nothing additional. Today, job seekers and hiring managers alike are looking to bridge the gap, allowing personal preferences to play a central role in the hiring process. Additionally, companies are looking for employees who not only align with but also help shape their corporate culture, stepping beyond daily responsibilities and applying their skill sets in productive and novel ways.

Why does it matter? Because utilizing an introspective approach within the hiring process is the key to employee retention and growth for your organization. Identifying personal preferences provides hiring managers with the advantage of being able to predict how well suited a job seeker is for the job and company culture, as well as how likely they will successfully perform. Applicants whose values and preferences match those of your corporate culture are more likely to be motivated, driven and loyal to your organization, and ultimately create a foundation where your business can thrive.


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