Reflecting on the TMSA Conference and New Progress Being Made

Written By: TMSA Staff | Jul 28, 2017 12:00:00 AM

By Scott Grady, SVP, Automotive Solutions, Landstar scott-grady-webTransportation and TMSA Chairman

We are pleased to report that the 2017 TMSA Logistics Marketing & Sales Conference (themed “The Buyer’s Journey”) was a success. More than 40% attending the conference provided feedback on their evaluation of the event - and an overwhelming response rate (98%) from those who attended stated the conference met or exceeded their expectations!

Equally important, 95% said based upon their own experience, they would recommend the TMSA conference to others.

Thank you everyone who completed the evaluation. Direct feedback is the best way to ensure the content of the conference continues to get better and more focused on the areas you want. The TMSA Education Committee is already using this tool as it begins planning of the 2018 conference.

At the TMSA Member Business Meeting, we voted in the nominated Officers, incoming Committee Chairs, and members of the Board of Directors. Please join us in welcoming the New Officers and Board Members as we transition the team this and make the change in August:

President: Candi Cybator, Marketing Manager, PITT OHIO
Secretary: Mike Rude, Managing Director - International Marketing, FedEx Services
Treasurer: Beth Malik, Director of Marketing & Communications, SMC³

Committee Chairs:
Succession Planning Committee: David Hoppens, Vice President Sales & Marketing, Momentum Transportation
Governance Committee: Dino Moler, EVP of Client Solutions, LeSaint Logistics
Education Committee: Don Friddell, Director of Marketing, Kenco Logistics
Membership Committee: Tom Collins, Director of Marketing, Saddle Creek Logistics Services
Communications Committee: Lionel Johnston, Marketing Manager, Bison Transport
Recognition Committee: Austin Browne, Marketing Communications Manager, CSX Transportation Intermodal

Board Members-At-Large:
Jahan Byrne, Director of Marketing, Matson Logistics
Jodi Cape, Marketing Manager, LeSaint Logistics
Donia Crime, VP Corporate Communications, Landstar
Angie Davids, Director of Marketing, YRC Freight
Caroline Lyle, Vice President of Marketing, TMW Systems
Mark Miller, VP, Corporate & Marketing Communications, Crowley Maritime Corporation
Adam White, Director of Marketing, BlueGrace Logistics

We are a volunteer-led association relying on the work of our leadership team throughout the year to bring value and growth to the organization – and ultimately to you. We continue to look for industry professionals to raise their hand to volunteer in different committees and to perhaps even join the Board of Directors. It is a great opportunity to give back to the transportation industry as well as to assist in helping to shape the content of the association. If you are Interested please contact a Committee Chair or TMSA Headquarters.

In 2017, we have adapted new governance and processes to make the organization more transparent to our membership and to ensure we continue to move forward our mission: to help you (our member) and your company to make sales, marketing and communications strategies more effective, productive, and profitable. TMSA is designed to bring value to our members and will continue to focus on its task.

In the coming months, we will begin working on the planning of the 2018 TMSA Logistics Marketing & Sales Conference, our continuing Webinar series, various Connections events throughout the U.S. and Canada, networking events, and even a few surprises. Please keep in touch through our website and various social media channels to make sure you do not miss out.

Thank you again for your continued support of TMSA. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing all of you at the upcoming events.


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