TMSA Recognizes the Volunteer Leaders of its Many Committees

Written By: TMSA Staff | Feb 17, 2020 12:00:00 AM

MSA is a volunteer-led professional association, and we have built the strength of our community as an association through the hard work, dedication, creativity, and strategic leadership of our volunteer leaders. The second of a three-part series recognizing our volunteer leaders, this article recognizes the current chairpersons of TMSA’s many committees. All of these individuals also serve on the TMSA Board of Directors.

One of the primary ways TMSA members find value from their involvement in the association is by gaining access to relevant content and education through monthly webinars, our annual conference in early June, and specialty programming such as TMSA Sales Training Workshops and the TMSA Digital Transformation Conference in the fall. Co-Chairs of the TMSA Education Committee are:

Jill Schmieg, Chief Strategist, Sol de Naples Marketing, has been involved in TMSA sincejill-schmieg-web 2007 – when an associate at Ryder Supply Chain Solutions encouraged her to become involved. Since then she has attended several conferences and equally important has become one of the most active volunteer leaders in the organization. Named the TMSA Associate Member of the Year in 2018, Jill today serves on the Board of Directors, is a Co-Chair of the Education Committee, and was instrumental in 2019 in leading the TMSA Strategy Task Force that ultimately developed a 3-year strategic plan for TMSA.


Andrew Gulovsen, Field Sales Executive – National Accounts, J.J. Keller & Associates, has Andrew-GulovsenWEBserved on the TMSA Board of Directors since 2017 and currently is Co-Chair of the Education Committee. Andrew is known for bringing innovative thinking and creative ideas that best serve the TMSA membership through its various educational initiatives. Thanks to both Andrew and Jill for your incredible passion and leadership in critical TMSA initiatives!


Jason Ickert, Integrated Logistics Manager, Energy Transportation Group is the jason-ickertMembership Committee Chairperson and is heavily involved in engaging new members and encouraging member renewals within the TMSA community. He’s a seasoned commercial leader and hyper focused on delivering innovative solutions for real-world logistics problems. Previously he was Vice President of Marketing & Sales for FLS Transportation Services and also was in various sales roles with DHL Global Forwarding. Thank you, Jason, for bringing your sales leadership skills and vision to TMSA’s membership initiatives.

Leigh Sauter, Marketing Director, Tucker Company Worldwide is the new Co-Chairpersonleah-sauter of the TMSA Marketing Committee (along with Jodi Cape, Marketing Manager at LeSaint Logistics). She was an active member of the Communications Committee, which last year transitioned into a committee with expanded marketing responsibilities. She’s a marketing and communications pro who is passionate about leveraging marketing to improve the member experience among both members and prospects of the association. Thank you, Leigh, for your high level of positive energy and enthusiasm for TMSA!

David Hoppens, Vice President Sales & Marketing, Momentum Transportation is the david-hoppensChairman of the TMSA Succession Planning Committee, and has helped to bring several new recruits to the Board of Directors from such leading brands as GLT Logistics, ArcBest, Red Classic Transportation Services, ODW Logistics, ITS Logistics, and the Port of Long Beach. A member of TMSA since 2007, David has served as President and Chairman of the association. Thank you, David, for your long-standing service to the association!


Mark Derks, Chief Marketing Officer and Partner, Words At Work, serves as the Chairman mark-derksof the TMSA Finance Committee and works closely with TMSA Treasurer Beth Malik, Director of Marketing & Communications of SMC3. A 25-year veteran in the transportation and logistics industry, Mark was Director of Global Marketing for C.H. Robinson for nine of those years. Today, he is passionate about “giving back” to the industry and is a model volunteer in providing his talents and expertise to TMSA. Thanks, Mark, for your continued leadership and contribution to the association!




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