About Conrad Winter

Something you should know about me is that I love business-to-business copywriting. It gives me a chance to immerse myself in categories and brands I find fascinating. Another thing you should know about me is that, because of my background, I bring an agency style of working and writing to your website, email campaigns, videos, ads, brochures, case studies, and, well, everything. What’s that mean? It’s a discipline that starts with being well-informed about your product or service. My experience at ad agencies taught me a process that’s equal measures strategic, creative and customer-centric. You can always count on me to explore a ton of different ideas in order to find a fresh and interesting angle. My agency discipline benefits every project you’re working on. Whatever the medium, I get creative and leverage key market insights to create copy that helps your product or service stand out—way out. My clients tend to be marketers at B-to-B companies, in-house agencies, design studios and small agencies. I’ve worked in many industries, but I specialize in three: shipping & logistics, EdTech and technology. Basically, business services that are specialized and complex and can benefit from my ability to simplify and clarify.

Recent Posts by Conrad Winter

Marketers Prepare to Storm 2025 with Thought Leadership Content

View from the TMSA Executive Summit: Marketers Prepare to Storm 2025 with Thought Leadership Content

At the same time as Hurricane Milton was spinning across Florida, marketers 900 miles away found themselves brainstorming the toughest issues in logistics marketing—and glad to be out of the path of...

Takeaways from 2024 ELEVATE

60-Day Takeaways from the 2024 TMSA ELEVATE Conference

By Conrad Winter, Content and Copy Writer for the Logistics Industry “What could possibly be that loud?” I thought to myself. “And is it getting louder!!?” As the marching band broke into the crowded...


The Essential Role of Content in Organizational Trust

By Conrad Winter, Content and Copy Writer for the Logistics Industry Trust was on the menu at the TMSA Executive Summit in Chicago October 11th – 12th. It’s a meaty topic in a town that loves a good...


Top Takeaways from the 2023 TMSA ELEVATE Conference in Savannah

By Conrad Winter, Content and Copy Writer for the Logistics Industry Nothing has the power to command complete attention like a 1,000-foot-long container ship that’s as tall as a small office...

5 Transportation Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

It’s no surprise that technology is the major driver of industry transformation today. Its many manifestations from driverless trucks to AI keep it firmly at the top of oncoming transportation...


Why I Made Myself Get Out and Virtualize

By Conrad Winter, a freelance copywriter specializing in content and copywriting for transportation and logistics I, like many people in the world, am pretty happy scaling back and staying in these...


Rachel Steinberg Wants to Help Link You to Your Hardest Prospects

Rachel Steinberg specializes in helping companies connect with hard to reach prospects in challenging fields like oil & gas, manufacturing, supply chain and logistics management on LinkedIn. This...

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