Written By: TMSA Staff | Jan 22, 2019 12:00:00 AM
The use of video is gaining significant traction in generating marketing, sales and business results in transportation and logistics. TMSA member companies like Averitt Express which uses video to recruit team drivers who are married, or Bison Transport to talk about the economy and the Trump Effect, or Crowley Maritime to gain credibility on heavy haul expertise.
A Closer Look: FreightWaves Produces Daily Video Insights, News Analysis
Another fine example is TMSA Affiliate member FreightWaves, which provides real-time market insights through their new daily video, NOW. It’s a daily market update that comes from the floor of FreightWaves headquarters in Chattanooga every business day at 4pm Eastern. Throughout NOW, FreightWaves market experts and team deliver content and expertise highlighting key things to watch in the market for that day.
“The information we share is immediate and content-driven for the market,” says Lisa McGinty, CMO for FreightWaves. “As a media and data company, we understand the power of content—and we’ve got a lot to share. We’re now harnessing that content into video. We discuss everything from high-level macroeconomic indicators to asset-based truckload benchmarking values to daily tactical operational information to weather to employment to supply and demand market data.”
It’s all about supply and demand in the market, and FreightWaves frequently looks at the data directly and what peripherals might be suggesting, McGinty continues. “We’ll cite specific data, as well as do deeper dives into topics that relate to the transportation industry.
“Video is another way for users to access our content and for us to casually engage them,” she says. “Developing a routine cadence and distributing this content at 4pm every day is almost as important as creating the content itself. By releasing FreightWaves NOW on a daily basis, we’re creating an expectation for content and thought leadership to be there.”
Video is a great way to tell a story, McGinty says: “We layer in customer testimonials and interviews, particularly at our events. As a well-respected news media outlet, FreightWaves is delivering relevant, unique content that no other channel is delivering.” Visit www.FreightWaves.com to subscribe.
6 Tips to Effectively Leverage Video
You don’t need a film degree to make an excellent video these days. Marketing and sales professionals with untrained eyes are creating great video content with little more than a smartphone or GoPro. Here are 6 simple tips to make sure you’re making the most of video:
Interested in learning more about how to leverage video? View “Tips on How to Incorporate Powerful Video that Generates Results” by Rob Puleo, who has 20+ years experience in video strategy and production, is a multiple-time TMSA Compass Award winner, and past TMSA Member of the Year.
Tags: Digital
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