Written By: James Street Associates | Jan 26, 2021 12:00:00 AM
The classic PR image evokes a schmoozing and truth-stretching character, constantly pulling rabbits from hats.
If that isn’t you, congratulations—there are better ways to achieve success.
In fact, trust is at the core of healthy relationships with editors and reporters.
There is a natural tension between PR practitioners and editors, not unlike that between a buyer and a seller. When an editor knows you’ll respect her or his need for accurate information, you’ll already be ahead of your competition.
Establishing and keeping trust with your editorial contacts is fairly simple.
Deliver on what you promise, honor deadlines, and don’t be a pest.
Of course, it’s essential that you also have a good story to tell. Delivering useful, credible content will open the door—and keep it open—at the publications you need to reach.
Earned media (a buzzword that describes the placements that result from public relations), captures the single most-valuable impression a publication has to offer. You might also place paid media (aka advertising), which gives you the ability to present your message in a controlled way, and repeatedly. Because the audience generally understands you paid for this, there is a healthy skepticism about its truth.
Correct or not, people tend to believe what they read in a publication more than they do with advertising. Therefore, earned media gives your message higher credibility.
That’s the reason that placing earned media is also much more competitive. Publications provide a limited amount of high-value earned media space.
Our own research with the logistics trade media editors reveals that about one out 10 pitches result in published articles. Worse, these editors report that they use less than 10 percent of all news release they receive.
In other words, “average” practitioners face roughly a 10 percent chance of success in placing content.
Tags: Earned Media Strategy
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