Written By: TMSA Staff | Jun 6, 2018 12:00:00 AM
In an ever more litigious culture, collision costs are growing significantly each year. According to the Large Truck Crash Causation Statistics, in 2013, the average cost for trucking companies per accident was more than $11 million for those that involved fatalities, close to $500,000 for those with injuries and nearly $75,000 for ones that caused property damage. Without a neutral eyewitness on the scene, it’s often impossible to prove that accidents were not the fault of the truck driver.
PeopleNet, a company that provides solutions to help fleets improve saftey and compliance and reduce costs, developed a Video Intelligence solution that consists of forward, side and rear-facing cameras. Given that it is a highly-visual product, PeopleNet wanted to find a unique way to convey the vantage point this solution gives users, a vantage point that gives back office fleet personnel the perspective of their drivers and trucks as they move down the road.
The company developed a virtual reality (VR) experience featuring a 360-degree video that brings the product to life in an interactive way. This VR experience can be leveraged on multiple channels, including within their trade show booth, as part of customer and prospect onsite visits and during media briefings.
Target Market: Executives and Safety Managers
Goal: Learn about PeopleNet's Video Intelligence solution and how it can help protect drivers and equipment.
In retrospect, the creation of the video intelligence virtual reality experience helped PeopleNet re-imagine how they develop sales collateral. It was a good pilot project for them to go beyond sell sheets and other static collateral to bring to life their products and give customers and prospects a more interactive way to understand our capabilities.
The process involved many disparate parties, including their agency, production company, as well as key internal stakeholders (facilities/operations to secure the truck, marketing to bring to life storyboards, product team to approve content). This cross-functional project allowed them to create strong relationships and will help them to deliver new and innovative projects in the years to come.
Likewise, anecdotal feedback from sales is supported by the amount of interest they generated at their in.sight user conference + expo and supports their case for developing more interactive content for other products in the future.
About PeopleNet
PeopleNet provides solutions to help fleets improve safety and compliance and reduce costs. PeopleNet’s network communications, mobility and analytics products are used by more than 2,000 truckload, LTL, private, and energy services eets throughout North America. PeopleNet was established in 1994 and is headquartered in Minnetonka, Minnesota, with an office in Ontario, Canada. PeopleNet is a Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB) Company and part of its international Transportation and Logistics Division.
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