Written By: Kara Brown | Aug 8, 2022 12:45:00 PM
Fancy slides and pretty decks are nice but the one thing top executives want to see is the MATH.
The bold, bottom-line numbers resulting from public and analyst relations, demand generation and lead generation programs they’re investing in.
Knowing where to start when it comes to measurable data can be difficult.
Using a simplified three-step strategy could steer you in the right direction. After years in the industry, I'm an expert, And what I’ve proven is pretty simple. The MATH equals the sum of three steps:
Sharing good news relating to topics embodying your company principles encourages positive audience interactions. Sharing this can provide valuable information to clients regarding your company and what content they interact best with.
Sharing content highlighting upcoming events, awards won and client success stories directed toward desired audiences provides a steady stream of company good news.
The MATH proves whether a strategy is working or not. A lack of numbers will keep execs guessing and if the desired results are being accomplished.
Your MATH hinges on tracking. Tracking gives companies the ability to see if the desired audience was reached and where to improve.
Don’t let all your hard work fall flat. Use your math to prove attribution, yes, but also leverage working to grow.
After you’ve taken all the steps to success by sharing good news and tracking interest, follow up as quickly as possible – even a slight delay puts time between you and revenue.
Through this three-step strategy, you’ll be able to produce accurate attribution to prove ROI.
Join the LeadCoverage team for our TMSA webinar where we’ll demonstrate that the closed-loop, repeatable, measurable lead generation process is possible --- and not as hard as it sounds.
Looking to learn even more?
Tags: Measurement/ROI