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Until Sales & Marketing Have the Same Goal They'll Never Get Along

By Jeff Davis, Founder of The Sales and Marketing Alignment Summit and The Alignment Podcast. Davis will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming 2018 TMSA Logistics Marketing & Sales Conference, June...


Tips for a New Transportation Sales Rep and Manager

By Dan Goodwill, President, Dan Goodwill & Associates, Inc. Five years ago, I posted a blog that was derived from a LinkedIn Sales Management Group. A range of people responded to the question, “What...


Maximize Value in the Short-Term for Long-Term Gains

By David Roush, president KSM Transport Advisors. This article originally appeared on Recent company mergers and initial public offerings have brought the value of trucking companies to...


SMC³ Elevates the Industry through Jump Start

How has SMC³ built its solid business and reputation as an industry leader? In part, through its two annual conferences, including Jump Start which takes place every January. Like many other...


The Age-Old Marketing Challenge: Do More with Less

Now that you have a new marketing budget, in many cases the challenge remains: You may not have more budget to accomplish what you did last year, yet expectations for more tangible business results...


The New Art & Science of Marketing: Buyer Personas

Part 2 of a 3-Part Series: Recap of the TMSA Connections Seminar in Kansas City. Nearly 30 marketing and sales professionals in transportation and logistics registered to attend the TMSA Connections...


7 Reasons Budget Meetings Aren't Strategic

Just by the nature of the subject and process, budget meetings aren’t typically strategic. These 10 reasons all contribute to making the process non-strategic and sometimes even counter-intuitive to...

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