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Recent Posts by TMSA Staff


Change Your Social Media Strategy During COVID-19 Crisis

During TMSA’s COVID-19 Town Hall meetings these past three weeks, participants have emphasized that they have seen an influx in user activity over the past two weeks. With people around the world...


Marketing Messaging in Times of Crisis

By Jennifer Karpus-Romain, Director of Marketing Services and Industry Outreach, FayeBSG It’s challenging for any marketer to get the perfect messaging out to his or her customers, prospects,...


3 Reasons You Need a Selling System

We hear it all the time: “I have my own style of selling.” Or from sales management: “I let my salespeople do their own thing. As long as they’re bringing in business, I don’t care how they do it.”...


COVID-19 Outbreak is a Crisis: How Are You Managing Your Issues?

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) is a crisis with complex potential impacts on companies in transportation and logistics. According to some attendees at the TMSA Connections event at MODEX in Atlanta...


Google Considers Penalizing Slow-Loading Websites

Internet search giant Google is playing with the idea of identifying slow-loading websites by displaying a “Usually loads slow” splash screen in place of a homepage when someone is trying to visit...


Meet Our TMSA Board Members at Large

TMSA is a volunteer-led professional association, and we have built the strength of our community as an association through the hard work, dedication, creativity, and strategic leadership of our...


TMSA Recognizes the Volunteer Leaders of its Many Committees

MSA is a volunteer-led professional association, and we have built the strength of our community as an association through the hard work, dedication, creativity, and strategic leadership of our...

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