
2018 Predictions: 7 Top Trends in Digital Marketing

By Brian Everett, CEO of the Transportation Marketing & Sales Association In recent conversations with TMSA members, there appears to be some emerging marketing trends that could have a growing...


The Disruption of the Traditional Sales Funnel

Part 1 of a 2-part series on how emerging technologies, more immediate access to market data, and changing needs in transportation and logistics have become disrupters of the traditional sales...


The Age-Old Marketing Challenge: Do More with Less

Now that you have a new marketing budget, in many cases the challenge remains: You may not have more budget to accomplish what you did last year, yet expectations for more tangible business results...

2017 in Review: What’s Hot (and Not) in Transportation and Logistics Marketing & Sales

Seeing what others are successfully doing in sales, marketing and communications. Better understanding emerging trends in transportation and logistics, and translating that to solid market...


The New Art & Science of Marketing: Buyer Personas

Part 2 of a 3-Part Series: Recap of the TMSA Connections Seminar in Kansas City. Nearly 30 marketing and sales professionals in transportation and logistics registered to attend the TMSA Connections...


7 Reasons Budget Meetings Aren't Strategic

Just by the nature of the subject and process, budget meetings aren’t typically strategic. These 10 reasons all contribute to making the process non-strategic and sometimes even counter-intuitive to...


YRC Freight Accelerated: A Fast-Paced Product Launch Success Story

The final installment of a 3-Part Series: Recap of the TMSA Connections Seminar in Kansas City. Nearly 30 marketing and sales professionals in transportation and logistics registered to attend the...

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