What It Takes To Be A Marketing Superhero

Do you know of someone in your professional network who has amazing superhuman marketing leadership powers? Then this person may be worthy to nominate for the 2018 TMSA Marketing Executive of the...

Talent Management

How to Hire and Develop Effective Salespeople

Identify the success factors. To hire effectively, you have to be absolutely clear about the kind of person you are looking for. You don’t just want a job description; you want a description of the...


Until Sales & Marketing Have the Same Goal They'll Never Get Along

By Jeff Davis, Founder of The Sales and Marketing Alignment Summit and The Alignment Podcast. Davis will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming 2018 TMSA Logistics Marketing & Sales Conference, June...

The Amazon Effect, Technology Raises Customer Expectations

Last Thursday, TMSA held yet another Connections Seminar – this time in Jacksonville at Landstar’s corporate headquarters. One of the primary goals of the TMSA Connections Seminars is to drive...


Tips for a New Transportation Sales Rep and Manager

By Dan Goodwill, President, Dan Goodwill & Associates, Inc. Five years ago, I posted a blog that was derived from a LinkedIn Sales Management Group. A range of people responded to the question, “What...

Talent Management

4 Ways to Ensure Employee Engagement

Employee engagement begins with leaders showing that they value their people and that they are willing to spend time and resources helping them capitalize on their strengths. However, studies show...

Technology, Multi-channel, Driver Shortages: Top Discussions at TMSA Seminar

Last Friday, TMSA held yet another Connections Seminar – in Atlanta at the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) building. While it was a smaller group than usual (20 individuals), the size of the...

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