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Q&A with Transportation Marketing Manager: Outsourcing Marketing Services

By Jennifer Karpus-Romain, Director of Marketing Services and Industry Outreach, FayeBSG Being a small marketing team is challenging. You want to do it all –and often times are expected to – but...


Rachel Steinberg Wants to Help Link You to Your Hardest Prospects

Rachel Steinberg specializes in helping companies connect with hard to reach prospects in challenging fields like oil & gas, manufacturing, supply chain and logistics management on LinkedIn. This...


Marketing Budget Priorities Shift during COVID

During the COVID crisis, marketing professionals in the transportation and logistics industry have dramatically shifted the focus of their marketing dollars. Before the COVID crisis began having a...


Purolator Leverages Video to Emphasize Key Brand Messages

More and more, video is being used strategically by marketing professionals in North American freight transportation to strengthen its brand, emphasize key messages, and engage prospects, customers,...


Do-it-yourself writing tips for marketers forced to do more with less

By Conrad Winter, a freelance copywriter specializing in content and copywriting for transportation and logistics For a lot of marketing heads, the pandemic has moved their workload from bad to way...


Marketing During COVID-19: Time to Recalibrate?

By Jim Bierfeldt, President, Logistics Marketing Advisors Every two years, my firm surveys 100 buyers of logistics products and services to better understand how to get and keep their attention....


2020 Metrics Study Results Show Digital Continues Strong Growth

Marketing budgets in transportation and logistics continue to demonstrate a strong presence of digital marketing activities, said Brian Everett, TMSA’s CEO at the TMSA Digital Transformation...

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